Switzerland for Christmas and New Years, December 2013
Hello, Rafael Rafael likes to hang out with his dad And he has a wonderful crying face And he has busy hands Christmas in Lausanne
lovely Christmas bubbles Rafael shooting the breeze with Alain Alain and Rafael exploring Rafael taking a ride Rafael in the snow
Rafael and Roxanne Airline contrails over Lausanne The beginning of a trail up Luc and Rafael on the way up Rox, Luc and Raf enjoying the sunshine and climb
Mt Blanc in the distance To the cabin for a New Years eve lunch Rox, Luc and Rafael on the way up 180 degree panorama towards Mt Blanc Smurf-wear
There's almost a whirlpool in this bottle May you have unfettered dreams, a wind at your back, & good work & play at your feet Rox, Luc and Raf on top of the world Roxanne attempting a snow angel Luc and Raf headed to Mt Blanc
Contrails to the sun Rox, Luc and Rafael - thank you.

Peter Newbury's Published Adventures