[Published] Adventures
by Peter Newbury

Travel Epics     Ventures     Instagram     Musings

The Modern Troubadours Provence Tour, June 2015

Sorry, did you just ask me about going to Provence in June for food and wine and fun?  How the heck am I supposed to say no to The Modern Troubadours Provence Tour!

Take A Kid Mountain Biking Day, May 2015

If it's spring, that means it's time for another Seacoast VeloKids Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day event!  An incredible event for kids (and parents) at Stratham Hill Park, even when rain cut it short!  Come hang out with the kids and their obstacle courses, pump track and rides on dirt.

December 2014

Moab with Sam and Katie, April 2015

I've been riding mountain bikes for decades, but this is only the second time I've gotten to ride in the famed mecca of Moab!  And it's pretty cool!

April 2015

Three boys and a truck, December 2014

Chris, Liam and Grandpa enjoying a sunny afternoon venture in the sweetest red pickup ever.  Three boys and a truck!

December 2014

Orchard Cross, 26 October 2014

Once again, the Orchard Cross organizers put on a spectacular event!  We all had fun amidst the costumes, course, cavorting and fast folks of Orchard Cross 2014!

October 2014

Gus' Raleigh Cross team training, October 2014

Gus' Bike shop in New Hampshire has a Raleigh-sponosored team, and duo Nicole Duke (Marin/Spy) and "Big Ben" Berden (Raleigh Clement) dropped in for a cross clinic.  How to go fast(er)!

October 2014

Take A Kid Mountain Biking Day, 01 June 2014

Seacoast VeloKids put on another incredible events for kids (and parents) at Stratham Hill Park. Come hang out with the kids and their obstacle course, race series and rides on dirt.

June 2014

Switzerland for Christmas and New Years, December 2013

Finally, after a few years too many, I returned to Switzerland to see my friends Luc and Roxanne.  And meet their 14 month old Rafael!  Lovely times.

December 2013

Orchard Cross, 27 October 2013

There's a certain unwritten "rule" that Cyclecross is supposed to be a grimy, wet, cold, and bitter experience, but with lots of really, really good heckling and usually beer handups at some point!  I don't think the lack of rain made Orchard Cross any less hardcore or fun this year!

October 2013

Krempels King of the Road & Northeast Passage, 19 October 2013

I had the absolute pleasure of photographing the Northeast Passage group at the Krempels King of the Road Challenge.  Incredibly inspiring and very heartwarming to see so many mobile smiles!

October 2013

Take A Kid Mountain Biking Day, 05 October 2013

Seacoast VeloKids (shout out to Rich Matthes!) put on an incredible events for kids (and parents). Come to Stratham Hill Park and hang out with the kids and their obstacle course, race series and rides on dirt.  And local legends, including Cannondale Tour de France rider Ted King.  Beautiful fun!

October 2013

Suzhou, Nanjing, and Shanghai, China, August 2013

A work trip to Shanghai, China, and I got a few moments with my camera...

August 2013

A dinner in Harlem, June 2013

Ali Goodwin and I went to see Ezra, Hillary, Sam, Emma and Putney with a cargo bike and lobsters for dinner in Harlem.

June 2013

Utah, March 2013

Yes, this unruly bunch of Canadians just had to go to Utah, again.  Big kids, and bigger kids...

March 2013

Orchard Cross, October 2012

The cyclocross scene is a scream.  Red-lining yourself in the grit and quick turns, or yelling encouragements *cough* as a spectator, it's great fun!

October 2012

Portmsouth Criterum, September 2012

Portsmouth hosts a fun downtown critereum each fall.  It's almost like the Tour going through a small French town - a bunch of big boys show up, the locals hold forth, and everybody gets excited about a bike race!

September 2012

ALIve event, May 2011

My friend Ali Goodwin is fighting through breast cancer.  My love Kierstyn was part of the committee putting a party for her together.  All around a wild effort and an amazing event.  Three cheers to Penhallow and Lady Luck Burlesque and the auction, burlesque and dance party!

May 2011

ALIve event, seconds, May 2011

Because there are always more pictures...

May 2011

A little trip to Switerland...

A little trip to Switzerland for cheese, chocolate, wine and friends!

April 2011


And why not go to Germany for family?

April 2011

Yet another day in paradise...

Escapee alert!  Three Canadians spotted in Utah!

April 2011

New Delhi, India, February 2010

India.  I've wanted to write about India since my last trip there a year and a half ago, but maybe I'm still at a loss for words.

February 2010

Reach the Beach, September 09

204 miles.  30.5 hours.  Welcome to Reach the Beach 2009!  I had the pleasure of being support crew and chief photo-snapper for Team Reeve It Up.  I didn't run very far, but my camera got a workout...

September 2009

An Atlantic Sunrise, August 09

A walk with Molly and Kierstyn to watch the sun rise over the Atlantic... Waves of bliss in all shapes and sizes.

August 2009

Airtime, August 09

Flying from Paine Field north of Seattle, across Bremerton to Olympia, and then down to Hillsboro, Oregon just west of Portland.

August 2009

Dirt, Sun and Styling July 09

A little trip to Kelowna, BC, Canada (Eh!) for some dirt, sun, swimming, and just hanging out with Friends.

July 2009

A See in Seward, Apr 09

A venture to Seward, Alaska to see Resurrection Bay wildlife, Eric Newbury's Aquanator and Seward's amazing Sealife Center.

April 2009

Family hike in Eagle River Valley, April 09

Tom, Abbe and Roxy took Sam, Katie, Kierstyn and me for a hike at the Eagle River Visitors Center.

April 2009

Joel and Jara, Jan 09

A 'pleasure cruise' around and about Portland, Maine with Jara and Joel.  Lovely (head)space, lovely people, lovely landscape.  I highly recommend it.

January 2009

Edinburgh '08

Welcome to the old world.  Exploring the Christmas lights of Edinburgh, Scotland.

December 2008

Above and below Boston Dec 08

The East Coast in December is usually chilly.  We found some chill, but also some sun and waves and seagulls.  Exploring the coast of Cape Cod and Portsmouth.

December 2008

Playing in Switzerland, Feb 08

A couple days of skiing/boarding in Switzerland with friends.  Aiguille du Midi and glacier skiing rocks!

February 2008

Big Blue Sep '07

Team Cardiac Arrest and Team PowerStrangers at a Big Blue Adventure Race in Lake Tahoe.

September 2007

Bowron Lakes, BC

Bowron Lakes in central BC is an incredible place to paddle - mountains, quiet, whitewater and well maintained campsites and trails.  5 days in a canoe.

September 2007

Mount Blanc Climb

A wondrous 'Expotition' with friends to the highest peak in Western Europe - 4808 metres!

August 2007

Harmony in 5 Parts

What happens when you cram 16 adults, 4 kids, 4 dogs and a bunch of bikes, fisbees and booze into one house? Harmony in 5 parts.

June 2007

Paradise Revisited

Paradise revisted.  Powder, open skies and friends - so much fun it should be illegal.

March 2007

Thanksgiving '06 - Dinner in Pasco

Thanksgiving '06 - Dinner in Pasco: Playing with the family in Pasco.

November 2006

Woods Hole - Time With Water

Time with water and family in Woods Hole.

October 2006

Big Sky Montana

Visiting my brother Sam in Big Sky Montana

May 2006

Another *@#!*# Day In Paradise

Just another *@#!*# day in paradise.  Utah snowdays!

March 2006

'Bwaston' - A Tale of Two Trips

A Tale of Two Trips to ' Bwaston'.

Jan/Feb 2006

Surf Swept Starry Sweetspot - New Year's Eve in Tofino

New Year's Eve almost as far West as Canada goes - Tofino, BC.

January 2006

San Fran walking tour

A quick walking tour through San Fran.

November 2005

Summa', summa' time!

Portland, Seattle, and Santa Cruz! Summa', summa' time!.

Summa' 2005

The Fin

Hanging out with The Fin.

April 2005

The Fin

Ten thousand pounds of muuuuud welcome you to the Seattle Supercross!

April 2005

Operation Snowstorm

The annual East Coast pilgrimage - Boston and New York as the snow flies.

January 2005

Christmas for Peter

Christmas in Vancouver and Seattle.

December 2004

Photo Safari: Vancouver, BC

Photo Safari with Christine in my Canadian home town, Vancouver, BC.

November 2004

Grandma's Operation

A spin through New York and Boston for my grandmother's hip replacement... oh, and see the Boston Symphony Orchestra.

October 2004

IDSA 2004: Party in Pasadena

Pasadena, CA, for the Industrial Designers Society of America National Conference.

October 2004

And once, on our way to Portland...

Convertibles, girls, and cameras in Portland, Oregon, with Rebecca Moore.

July 2004

Nashville Pro/USERS Conference

A dose of middle America - 36 hours in Nashville, TN. Malls, minivans, air conditioning and super-size!

June 2004

The May SJC Surprise Package Tour!

Dave MacLachlan's 30th birthday! And a chance to deliver a surprise package.  Convertibles, sunshine, girls and cameras. Hmmm.

May 2004

The BC Interior Tour!

A trip to BC's inspiring interior.  Beauty wrapped in frost and snow.

December 2003

All text and photos © Peter Newbury
peter.ac.newbury @ gmail.com